Its never too late for starting something in your life. NEVER TOO LATE.


“So what do we do? Anything. Something. So long as we just don’t sit there. If we screw it up, start over. Try something else. If we wait until we’ve satisfied all the uncertainties, it may be too late.

–Lee Iacocca”

Looking at the pace of my writings in this blog, there is almost no argument if somebody would say that this attempt has been another victim of over-exciting “things i should do” feelings that I usually get.

It usually starts with “some motivation from somewhere” and gets added with the thought that “you have to do something” and finally gets multiplied by the dream that “maybe someday this effort will be appreciated” by many people whom you have never even met.

Then few weeks or months gone… and you’d realize you are not so motivated in doing it. You get caught up with your work or life or any other excuses that you can make. And after 3 years your blog has just 12 posts!! What a shame! (Jeez… No one can beat this record)

One obvious mistake that people make when they fail in some attempt is not analyzing what went wrong. So I thought I would think of it for a while. For my attempt in this blog, I would say, its failing because I am confused about my main motivation behind doing this. Oooops !!

But, fortunately, I had written down about this in my first post. So I would like to remind myself once again

“I’ve decided to start another blog which I’ll use to share my interests or my feelings, thoughts on any topic other than technical ones… may be writing some wildest imagination.”

So what happened today? What happened was, I realized that I was getting that “things i should do” feelings again. How did I get it this time? Well, I was reading this article about New Analytics which is coming up in next release of Spring 12 in Salesforce and stumbled into this line “a great piece of analysis can come from anywhere”. Then I began to think, that is true, and I quickly made my version of it – “a great piece of motivation can come from anywhere”, which triggered to one of my long sought dream of writing in this blog.

I don’t know how long is this gonna last for but I sincerely hope, as always, that this is the “start” that I was wishing for long time.

Leo Yearly 2011 Horoscopes:
Leo (Jul 23- Aug 22)

There will be a lot to be proud of in 2011! The Leo 2011 yearly horoscope shows that you have worked hard and will see the fruition of that hard work in your career. Doors will open, people will admire you for ingenuity and might even approach you regarding new business ventures. It seems like everyone on the outside is a fan, except those closest to you. To maintain a harmonious Leo 2011 year, take the time to balance your life. It can’t be all about you all the time… even though you will have a lot going for you.

Leo 2011 Career and Income Horoscope

The Leo 2011 yearly horoscope shows that 2011 will start off with a bang! Promotions, accolades, attention… all the things a Leo lives for. This type of success will continue throughout the year, making it a good time to pursue projects you may have been putting off or new ideas. Starting a business or realigning yourself with old relationships may help kick off a new project that could result in major potential. The best advice for 2011 is to keep seeking out opportunities, because they will be yours for the taking. If something isn’t working, don’t waste time. Find another angle to approach. The Leo 2011 yearly horoscope shows that you will find much success this year, so if one door is locked, don’t stress. Just try another.

Leo 2011 Love, Family and Social life Horoscope

Sometimes you can be a drama king, Leo. Keep this in mind if your relationships begin to go South in the earlier parts of 2011. We’re not saying it’s your fault… we’re just saying that it’s more difficult to love others if you’re spending too much time loving yourself. Dig deep and start paying attention to your loved ones. Take the spotlight off of you once in awhile. The Leo 2011 yearly horoscope shows that people will not have a lot of sympathy for you and your relationship woes in the first half of 2011. Expect to weather the storm on your own. Or better yet, don’t make mountains out of molehills. If there’s a problem, fix it and move on. Changing your reaction to problems or offering more love than usual will help bring your family, friends and loved ones back to where they should be – loving you.

Leo 2011 Education and Traveling Horoscope

Opportunities will come your way! Say yes to everything that fits into your overall life plan. The Leo 2011 yearly horoscope shows that there will be offers for all sorts of exciting options, so take a day to evaluate what you can handle. Even though a trip across the globe might be an honor, look at the big picture to see if its really necessary. As for learning opportunities, invest your time. It’s worth it.

Leo 2011 Health Horoscope

Vital and powerful, you are in optimal health. Eat right, exercise and get the rest you need. Rest is the key in 2011. There is so much going on that you will be tempted to skip out but when you do, you will feel the effects. Don’t sabotage forward movements by avoiding something so simple.

Taken from following site:

32 countries, 64 games, 1 goal… When the people from all over the world come together for same purpose….

Isn’t it exciting?

Ya, it indeed is. So with less than 2 weeks to go for the start of this world cup football, the final list of squad of each team have come out.

The following site has the full list.

२०६६ साल लाई बिदा गरे पनि २०६६ मा सोचेका र पूरा गर्न खोजेका सब सपना हरु लाई २०६७ मा पनि निरन्तरता दिएई रहने छु । बर्ष नया भए पनि मेरा सपनहरु त पुरानै छन । आशा गर्छु कि नया साल मा पुराना सपनाहरु लाई साकार बनाएर नया सपनाहरु सजाउन पाउ अनि ति नया सपना पुरा गर्न हर्‍दम मेहेनत अनि परीश्रम गरिरहन पाउ ।

२०६६ सालामा मैले धेरै राम्रा काम गरे अनि र अनेक गल्ती नि गरे । ति बिभिन्न चिजहरु जसमा म, मेरो आमा बुवा, मेरा आफान्त अनि मेरा साथी हरु ले गर्ब गर्न सके, ति कुरा हरु बाट २०६७ मा म सधै प्रेरित भाई रहने छु । तर ति बिभिन्न गल्तीहरु जुन मैले २०६६ मा गरे, ति कुराहरु लाई नदोहोर्याउन सधै सचेत भाई रहने छु ।

Today is my final day at my work where I did my internship for a year. There is always a sad part about leaving things that you got used to, but there is also another side of it. There are always opportunities and prospect of better future about leaving the things behind and moving on. I’ve always believed in moving on and challenging oneself with new kind of tasks. I still believe it. Moving on makes us more wiser and lets us experience new things that we might never have thought of.

Be it ending a job or anything else in my life which I put behind and move on, it has always been a fruitful step. I left my country and family and came to US. I changed my university and came to Omaha from Beaumont. This is the end of 3rd job that I worked after completing my Undergraduate in 2005. It was always sad while I brought things to an end, but those points of my life have always proved to be the pivotal one of my life. I believe that they have made me what I’m now.


Today I look forward for that opportunity that I will get after this. Thanks to everyone at BHMI. Thanks to my manager for  guiding me throughout my period here. Thanks to my co-workers and everyone in this company.

I came across this news early morning and I quickly got excited…. watching the world cup games in 3D!! Yes Sony has signed a deal with FIFA to broadcast up to 25 world cup games in 3D. Quickly I imagined myself being in the ground with the players moving with them like the referee does(but of course without getting tired and without disturbing the players with their play)… How real and exciting would that be!! However, that was too much of imagination… I don’t know how would the experience be watching the world cup games in sony’s booth, but it would certainly be a new thrill for soccer fans.

So bad that US doesn’t have one of those seven booths. But thats understandable.  So we’ll have to go to one of following cities for that: Berlin in Germany, Mexico City in Mexico, Paris in France, Rio De Janeiro in Brazil, Rome in Italy, Sydney in Australia and London in the UK.

Finally, the groups for the world cup 2010 have been decided. A lot of controversies surrounded this year’s very preliminary state of World Cup. Ireland’s departure from the World cup raised a lot of questions in using technology in the game. FIFA used October ranking instead of November ranking to seed the team which allowed England to be a seeded team but left France as unseeded team.

These were the pots:

Pot 1 (seeded teams): Argentina, Brazil, England, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, South Africa, Spain
Pot 2 (AFC + OFC + CONCACAF): Australia, Honduras, Japan, Korea DPR, Korea Republic, Mexico, New Zealand, USA
Pot 3 (CAF + rest of CONMEBOL): Algeria, Cameroon, Chile, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Nigeria, Paraguay, Uruguay
Pot 4 (rest of UEFA): Denmark, France, Greece, Portugal, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland

And finally these are the groups for us for the finals.

All Groups

All Groups

I believe Group G is the Group of Death for this world cup with Football powerhouse Brazil, Portugal which has Great playmakers, African finest team Ivory coast and North Korea.

In few of the job posts, I’ve started to see the requirement of Lifestyle Polygraph to be considered as an applicant. So what is it?
A lifestyle polygraph is a lie-detector (polygraph) test. The purpose of the lifestyle polygraph is to determine, to the greatest extent possible, whether or not a given applicant can be trusted with sensitive information. Questioning is extensive and can involve all aspects of present and past behavior. Polygraph tests are considered reliable in detecting the truth or falsity of the answers to objective questions, especially those that can be answered with a “yes” or “no” in reference to specific acts.
These tests are common as part of the screening process for any job requiring a security clearance. This includes many government jobs, as well as an increasing number of technical jobs in which employees handle, process, or can obtain access to classified data.